Accelerating Health CARE Innovations through local production
Who we are..
3DIY (3-Do It Yourself) Portal is a digital manufacturing Hub to help you transform your 3D design into a reality. The portal is mainly a link between you and our innovative local productions including the 3D printed PPEs.Our aim is to increase Access to PPEs in Uganda through local production of 3D printed face masks, Vacuum Molded Masks and face shields through bringing 3D printing services and PPEs closer to the public through a digital platform & local production.
Our Services

We are increasing access to PPEs in Uganda, through 3D printing technologies.

We design and implement training, educational program or workshop in 3D printing and 3D design tailored your needs

We help you discuss your 3D printing project and help you turn your design into a product. Click Here

Submit your custom 3d models for printing and shipping.

We provide you with quality 3D printing filament, 3D printer parts and 3D printers.

Want to learn how to make design, edit and print 3d items?
Our Products
Face Shields
Face coverings limit the volume and travel distance of expiratory droplets dispersed when talking, breathing, and coughing. A face covering without vents or holes will also filter out particles containing the virus from inhaled and exhaled air, reducing the chances of infection. We locally manufacture comfortable face shields to reduce the chances of infection from COVID-19.
Ugx. 5,000
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3D Printed Masks
Global Auto Systems LT is manufacturing 3D printed face masks. We also help you print the one that is customized (size, colour and brand) just for you through our online platform
Ugx. 10,000
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3D printed face masks are quite heavy and this makes them not very comfortable for use for a long time. We hence embarked on manufacturing Vacuum moulded masks. Please make your order here:
Ugx. 10,000
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3DBTK is a low cost toolkit that contains 3D printed educational biology models that enable proper comprehension of Biology and Science Basic education among lower secondary education students (UCE) and Primary education pupils in Uganda
Ugx. 80,000
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3D Printing
3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes.
Vacuum Molding
Vacuum molding is the simplest type of plastic thermoforming, that uses one mold and vacuum pressure to obtain the desired part geometry.
Computer Aided Design
Used by engineers, architects, and construction managers, CAD helps us in creating designs in either 2D or 3D while visualizing content.
Two heads are indeed better than one
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Located at: 3rd Floor, Emma Bona House(Ugafode Building), Bananuka Drive, Mbarara, Uganda
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Health and Safety Policy
Global Auto Systems LTD seeks excellence in every aspect of its business and is committed to
ensuring that the firm complies and is in accordance with its legal duty under section - 13 of
the Occupational Health & Safety at Work Act 2006, and other applicable health & safety
legislations, and other requirements, to ensure the health & safety of its partners and
employees, visitors to our places of business and others directly affected by relevant
activities under the firm’s control.
It is the aim of the firm so far as is reasonably practicable to:
- iEliminate hazards and reduce any health & safety risks associated with conducting our business.
- ii ii. Prevent accidents and work-related ill health, to our people and visitors; and
- iii Develop a health & safety culture through consultation and participation with our people and developing awareness of their personal responsibilities.
To achieve these aims and to demonstrate continual improvement in our management of health & safety, Global Auto Systems will implement a documented occupational health & safety management system. The effectiveness of the system will be measured by the firm’s health & safety performance, which will be reviewed on a regular basis by senior management, who will agree objectives for the continual improvement of the management system. This statement represents our general commitment to provide a safe working environment and informs of our specific policies and practices for health & safety. This statement and details of our working arrangements and responsibilities are accessible to all our people via the internal internet and to other interested parties via our website ( and on request. Reference to this health & safety policy is included in our Human Resource manual and annual compliance training to ensure members of staff are aware of their individual health & safety obligations. In accordance with health & safety legislation, this policy will be reviewed on a regular basis.
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Product : Ugx.100,000
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